The Spirit Guided Life Podcast

Ep 06. Angelic Healing with Esther Robinson

November 05, 2019 Alex Levy and Esther Robinson Season 1 Episode 6

Relax and Regenerate as Alex sits down with Soul Plan Reader, Coach, and Channel - Esther Robinson to talk about helping people recreate themselves with angelic energy, so you can shine like the star you truly are. Esther also shares openly about how dealing with family trauma helped inspire her to begin writing her memoir and how that began a self-healing journey for her body, mind and soul.

Things We Will Discus:

- Tips on working with the angels
- What Soul Plan readings are and how they can provide deep insight
-  The difference between your intuition and the voice of the ego
- How angels can help us in our daily lives
- Working with Integrated Energy Therapy
- Much more!

Show Notes:

Alex's Free Gift
The Spirit Guided Oracle
Book a session with Alex
Alex's Instagram
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Esther's Website
Connect with Esther on Facebook
Connect with Esther on Instagram

Speaker 1:

Welcome to this spirit guided life podcast. Get ready to explore limitless ways of creating a dialogue with your spirit, including awesome guests, Lightworker tips and intuitive inspirations. So say yes to tuning into your heart. Be willing to trust the invisible and stand by to be spirit guided with your host Alex Levy. Welcome and hello everyone


to episode six of the spirit guided life podcast. Thank you for showing up. I'm your host Alex Levy and today we have a very special guest. We have Esther Robinson. Esther runs the regeneration room, holistic therapies in Northern Ireland where she provides integrated energy therapy, treatments and training, reflexology, angel card readings and soul plan or meetings. Esther is the only soul plan practitioner in Northern Ireland and Esther has worked in the publishing industry for over 20 years as a sub editor of B2B books and newspapers, as sir is an intuitive empath, blue Ray twin flame, Lightworker healer, medium and star seed. Her mission is to help others heal and reach their full potential by guiding them towards their sole purpose and assisting them to navigate their own, as sir talked very openly about her spiritual awakening, which led her to write her healing memoir, strong one, which is soon to be coming out. And she also shared some amazing guidance for how to connect with your angels as well as how she works with the angels and channels them through a really unique form of energy healing. And then we also talked about making every decision from a place of love. I hope you enjoy this interview. All right, Esther, thank you so much for joining me here on the spirit guy life podcast. I'm thrilled to have you here today.


Thank you, Alex. It's lovely to be here. Thanks for inviting me.


Yes, I feel like we've connected Hawaii. Gosh, I don't even remember how long ago it's been on Instagram and I, I've always been inspired by your content and your energy that you put out there. And I think this was a, and no, we were scheduling this for a while and I've been waiting and I'm just so, so happy that we're finally doing this.


Oh, let me tell you. Yeah, it was lovely. It was lovely to meet you. I mean, you know, people connect for a reason and yeah. W you know, we found each other on Instagram and likewise, I've been inspired by you too, so. Yeah. Lovely.


So can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you got into working as a healer and with the angels?


Um, yeah. Well, my background is actually in publishing. I've been sort of working as a subeditor for in publishing. Um, and I went off traveling, backpacking way back in 1998. Um, um, when I was in Sydney, um, a friend of mine told me about a healing modality called Reiki and that she was going to learn and I'd never heard of it at the time. And I thought, Oh, it sounds really interesting. So I went along and I did, um, the first three levels of Reiki healing. Um, and I found it amazing, but I didn't really, I didn't use it as a practitioner. Um, I just kind of used it on myself and, um, a couple of people that I met traveling, um, I often American treatment and we find it beneficial. Um, but I kind of put it on the back burner and, um, I kind of, I went, uh, traveling again, um, while I emigrated from Ireland as I went over to New Zealand and I lived there for nearly six years and I had, um, a biggest part of that awakening kind of ran from[inaudible]. And, um, that kind of radio opens up my connection to the angelic realm. Um, so, you know, I had all the kinds of things where you see angel lights and um, really amazing things. So I wanted to then sort of get more into finding out about angels and that led me onto, um, another healing modality called integrated mg therapy. Um, I actually came across it when I was back in Ireland again. And you know, it's just funny how these things go because I had bought the local paper and I haven't looked at it and it'd been sitting there for about two weeks and I thought, right, and putting that into the recycling, but I thought I'll just have a quick flick through it before I put it into the recycling bin. And, um, that's where I saw the advertisement for the integrated mg therapy course. And I just thought, well, you know, that's meant to be. And I went along and try to session for myself and I found it amazing. Um, very deep. Paling very relaxing and uh, the lady also taught it, so I went and learnt that, um, the first sort of three levels with her. Um, and then you have to go to somebody else. There's only a select few people who can teach the, the sort of master teacher level. Um, so yeah, it's, it's a really amazing same therapy. It works with the violet angelic Ray, um, connecting with Archangel Ariel. Um, and it's just, um, both ways. Everything from, from like the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, uh, working on all levels. It clears the cellular memory, um, releases trauma really painlessly. Um, where, you know, if you go to counseling UFC, you have to sort of talk through the, the traumatic situation. But with IET you don't have to relive it and talk through it. You can just set your intention to heal a particular trauma and get well with it from me. So I find it really, really amazing. Um, and yeah, my own personal experience. Yeah. Like so many other people I've, I've had traumatic experiences in my life. Um, but going back to my childhood, uh, I, I experienced something amazing when I was about 11 years old and that was when my uncle passed away. On the night of his funeral. I was kind of lying with my mom and my brother. She was cuddling us, we were really upset and I saw this beautiful, like bright light, like you'd see a star in the night sky just above me to the left. And, um, I, I was kind of mesmerized by this light. And I said to my mom and my brother, can you see that light? And they could see it too. And it just moved ever so slowly, um, around the room. And it had beans of white, bright white light coming out of it in a cross shape, so you could see all the particles of dust really illuminated in the[inaudible]. And it went over to the window and my mum said to me,[inaudible] head pile falls when they leave the body, they go over to the window and go up to heaven. So I've always believed that that was the sole of my uncle. Um, but he came to me to kind of offer me hope, um, you know, through the dark times that I would go through, you know, after that. But I would always think of that and it would kind of get me through. So I, I kind of always had that belief that there was, you know, a higher power looking after us and guiding us. Um, although, you know something, this time, times you can forget that one, you know,[inaudible] time or things get bad. Um, but it kind of, you know, I often think back to that. So, um, I guess that kind of, you know, okay, you know, led me onto the spiritual path, but it was kind of simmering in the background. Um, and as I say, when I moved back to Ireland, then, um, after having the spiritual awakening, my, my interest in angels and kind of healing modalities really opened up. So, um, I, yeah, it got into the IET and then I also trained as a reflex. Well, um, so that's, that's a more hands on, um, healing modality, but again, it heals on all levels. So I'm able to offer, you know, a few different things depending on what people need or what people feel drawn to.


Wow. Thanks for sharing that. That's really beautiful. Uh, and we'll definitely talk, I'm really excited to dive into the it and a little bit, but I want to kind of go back to the angel connection cause that's kinda what I really got started into this as doing readings. You know, my work started out doing angel work and it's kind of evolved from there. So when you are connecting with the angelic realm or an angels, whether it's through it or your angel cards, what is that experience like? How would you describe that? Um, like what are you experiencing typically and also when you, you're working with the client personally and how do they interact with you?


Okay. Um, yeah, well I just, it's just a really, really amazing feeling. It's like a really loving, gentle energy that I feel, um, yeah, just like a kind of an overwhelming love really. Um, so as I say, I saw those kinds of, all the games are lights when I was having my awakening back in New Zealand with them, I also, um, had a connection with our angel Raphael because I saw, I didn't, you know, I didn't know it was Raphael at the time, but I worked out was later because it was actually after my father passed away and his favorite color was green. So I actually at the time like that,




Emerald green flame[inaudible] in the air in my room and it kind of went over and put my hand through it and it was, you know, my hand just went through a bit. So I kind of thought, Oh, it's my dad trying to communicate with me. But I realized afterwards it was, it was Archangel Raphael because he's represented by this Emerald green kind of flame. And um, he came another time as well. Um, my son had just, I don't know, out of nowhere got this really high fever and um, we were kind of on this holiday where we talked, we talked share a room and I was kind of just about it or speak if we're not falling asleep. And then I saw this, this Emerald green flame by him, so I kind of got off, went over and yeah, he tried, got this sudden really high temperature out of nowhere. So I did Reiki on him and the temperature came down. So, um, I just, yeah, I, well, I mean, okay. Until Raphael is the angel of healing too. You just feel that there's, you know, everybody strong connection there, but he's helping me heal. Um, I'm telling me to do the healing. Um, so yeah, I, I just, I just, when I have clients as well, they're, you know, there's times I, I feel the angels come in and they just do little things like they stroke my hair or my hands and it's just as I say, this really kind of gentle, loving kind of energy, um, you know, kind of in developing me, you could feel really safe and ready, relaxed and reassured. So, um, yeah.


Yeah, it's a wonderful energy. And, and for people who may not know exactly how can, like working with the angels help us in our daily lives,


um, wow. Well I can help with everything. Um, I th th the angels respect that or human beings have free will. So I, I do agree that in next sort of extreme circumstances that they can step in and they do step in to kind of help us, but I want to general kind of basis. I, they, they generally tend to want us to ask for their help before they kind of step in. So I think, um, you know, any kind of that we're dealing with on a daily basis, if we're struggling with it, it's good too to call them in, you know, to ask for their help and then they do give us guidance. Um, I mean, you know, there's a veil between us and them, but it's, it's just an illusion. Um, so that's why some people can see angels and others can't, you know, how, how open the conception is. But I, you know, so many people now are connecting more and more with angels. I'm seeing so many people and I'm, I'm so overjoyed and thrilled because I have people telling me, Oh, you know, I was thinking of such and such. And then I saw this white feather and it just kinda came out of nowhere. And I'm like, that's brilliant because that's the angels confirming that thinking of at the time, you know, to go for it and that's the right path and things like that. So I think that, you know, angels are there for everybody. It's, and it doesn't matter, you know, regardless of race or creed or religion or non religious beliefs, they are there for everybody. Um, you know, they're these loving beings basically that, that wants to help everybody. So you just, you know, people just have to ask, um, and they will come in and help them. You know, as I say, Archangel Raphael, if there's an issue that you, you know, your physical or emotional healing, he's, he's a great person. Or angel, I should say it alone. So, you know, if you're needing protection from something, Archangel Michael is the perfect image or to call in. So I think angels are for everybody and the, yeah, they're just amazing, amazing and powerful. And you know, they're kind of like intermediaries really between human beings and, you know, sort of creator source. Um, you know, like kind of halfway point. I think.


I love that intermediaries. It's so true. And I do find, I don't know if you, I think you, I don't know if you feel like you see this too, but I feel like it's becoming more mainstream, less kind of woo woo. Like more people are realizing. And do you see that?


Yeah, I definitely see that. And it just brings me so much both joy and relief because you know, I totally agree with it. You know, like a few years back there had been maybe a few people that were kind of using angels in healing or you know, reading or writing about ATLs and you know, you were kind of looked at as if you were a bit[inaudible] and so you know it, so you, people now, you know, you've got authors like Lorna Byrne and Kyle Gray who are, you know, writing about angels, you know, they, they, they've kind of got it out to the masses and made it more mainstream. Um, so that is it, you know, it's more acceptable to people if people aren't so kind of afraid of, of looking into it or connecting. And I just think that's brilliant because as I say, angels are for everybody there. Everybody's benefits. Um, you know, even clients that have that have come to me, you know, I know that they're going through a spiritual awakening, but they, you know, they, they're not aware of it. You know, they've even said things to me that, that make it, that they're starting to have this connection with the angels. And I just, it just makes me so happy.


Yeah. It's, it's the most wonderful energy and, um, you're doing great work. So thank you. So you mentioned, you know, your spiritual awakening back in New Zealand and then also 11 when you were 11 back when your uncle passed away. But before he, before that, when he passed, since you always have a sense that you had intuitive abilities.


Yeah, I'll say yes or no because I've always been intuitive. Well, I didn't know that I was any different to anybody else because everybody else was like that. And it's, in the reasonable recent years I've realized that isn't the case. Um, you know, some people, you know, have opened up their intuition, you know, more so or earlier than others. But when I was a child, I knew I was very sensitive to things and I could feel other people's feelings. I, you know, I was empathic, but I just didn't know. But you know, that's what an empath was. But I do now. Um, yeah, I D I definitely was kind of, yeah, more, you know, more in tune to stuff. Um, you know, and maybe other people, but it's, but it's funny, like I have a cousin and he, he's also very empathic and spiritual and, um, you know, his older brothers and sisters used to always say that he and I had, you know, that we could understand each other and we have this connection and that's obviously, you know, what it was, but nobody kind of understood it at the time. So,


yeah, I find that similar with me, with myself growing up as a kid, uh, I guess I didn't realize, I know I call it shadow people when I was growing up cause I was seeing spirit. I didn't know what it was. Um, and then I think, you know, as I got older I realized, Oh, that's actually what was happening. I didn't know, you know, you put two and two together. Right. So would you say, is there a guiding principle or a Stratford strategy of intuition or spiritual development that has been specifically helpful for you on your path?


Um, for me, I mean, I've, I've always believed in, in, in God and, um, uh, higher power. Like I used to go to church, um, I was, you know, so brought up going to church when I was younger. Well, you know, I don't, I don't go to church now. I just don't, you know, I think you can connect with golden angels without actually going to, you know, the building of the church. But it's up to everybody how they feel they want to connect. So I do, I always, I love to hear it about all the miracles that Jesus performed and stuff like that. But, you know, I found a lot of the rest of it really boring.


Yes, yes, yes. I can relate. So, uh, yeah,


when I was 18 and I was kind of allow her to stop going. If I wanted to stop against church, I did. But I always had my faith, you know, in Ohio, I didn't lose that faith as such. I was relieved that there was a higher power. I always felt looked after and loved. Um, you know, I had met or moments where I doubt it that were the three patches of darkness. But, um, you know, it's normal and natural and you know, often think of that, that footprints in the Sam story, um, where the, you know, the person's disease, you know, the two sets of footprints and then it goes to one and then they say, you know, why did you ever abandon me Lord, you know, in my time of need. And you know, Jesus says, well, that's when I was carrying you. And that's why you only see the one set of footprints. So there are times when we can feel abandoned, but we are actually being supported. I think it's actually, um, strengthening us because it's showing us that we've got our own inner strength to get through this situation. So we're actually learning that we are more strong than we give ourselves credit for. Um, so I think, I think always having that kind of, eh, you know, faith in something, um, you know, a higher power that's kind of looking after me. I've, I've always had that. And then just, you know, since the spiritual awakening has happened, I've just, you know, I've, in reading books, um, you know,[inaudible] angels and other kinds of people having spiritual experiences just to kind of like, you know, see where other people are at and if there's common ground and things like that. So I just think, you know, my advice to anybody is to go with what you feel inside and, you know, go, go with your gut feeling what you feel in your heart and you know, I think the universe will guide you to where you need to go. And you know, what you need to read or study, you know, if there's a course you're interested in and it really makes your heart sing, you know, I would go and I'm looking to that. So I think, you know, you've got your own inner compass and it guides you to, to what you need and where you need to go. Um, so that's what I've done. I've just kind of tried to go with the flow. You know, there was times I was kind of like maybe forcing it and trying to[inaudible] consume too much information and then you just get overloaded. And I think then you get to a point where you just think, no, hang on a minute. You know, I need to just, you know, sit awhile this and integrate this one thing. Um, and you don't really get to grips with that before I kind of take on anything else. So, yeah, I mean it's like with my therapies, I know other people and they've learned, you know, maybe 50 different healing modalities and you know, if they're happy with that, that that's fine. But for me personally, yes, there are other things that I'd love to do. Like I'm really interested in aroma therapy and I haven't learned that yet, but I think you can kind of do too much at times. And I just feel that, that the offerings that I have already, you know, I can kind of treat, know clients, you know, kind of anything that they come to come to me for. I thought, you know, I've got what I need. I don't need to sort of learn, you know, another 20 different things. I think you just, you know, have to sit back and um, yeah, see what that resonates with your own self and not be always looking at, Oh well they're doing such and such and all they ran flat or you know,


and you're right that I, I do believe that the universe will guide you. You, it's true. And you said that beautifully. So tell us a little bit about the soul plan reading should do. Those are very, uh, interesting and uh, explain about that.


Yeah, they are really interesting. Um, like that, that was a course that I was, I was drawn to, uh, you know, as well. It was actually, it was part of a, a like a, the years long course that you could do over in London, but that meant traveling over there and awful lot and I just couldn't do it with my family commitments. The main part of the course, which I was, you know, really interested in was the soul can readings that you could do remotely. So it was perfect. And, um, uh, yeah, it's, it's just amazing. It's, it's based on a person's name at birth and, um, each letter of their name. If you even get back to the 22 letters of the ancient Hebrew alphabet and you kind of then map it out on a six pointed star, uh, which is called star of creation. Um, you know, it's like the star of David works, um, made of two triangles, the upper and the lower. So one's representing the earthly aspect of the person and one triangle as representing the spiritual aspect and how they basically intersect. And then you, uh, you can work out Burton's, um, F challenges olds and pallets that are having a spiritual side and the earthly side. And so it basically, um, helps, um, you know, identify the challenges that you've got that they're going to face in life and the goals they have to reach, but also the talents that they innately have in order to meet their goals and overcome their challenges. So it's really, really interesting. Um, you know, the, the 22 letters, they each have their own energy. Um, and so you can kind of see if a person's really creative and like it helps identity, you know, the parades that would be suitable for them. Um, it can help, you know, if they've gone through a challenging period in their life, you can kind of, um, it will kind of show them that they were meant to go through that for a reason. It was, it was a goal or a challenge that they were, you know, do to face Emma's lifetime. So it's, you know, I think it's really reassuring for people because often people, you know, they get to this stage in their life and they're of wondering what their life is about and, you know, why am I here? What am I doing and am I on the right path and should I be changing careers or, you know, why has that happened? And it just really helps people get to know themselves better and to kind of understand that the things that they've experienced, you know, were meant to be for a reason. Um, and it's, it also helps, um, it gives a self help, um, techniques. So it will list things that will help them, whether it's, you know, spiritual counseling or some other kind of healing modality. And it also gives things like Bach flower remedies that would be good for them. Um, so it's, it's really empowering. You know, it kind of, it lets them get to know themselves better, but it also enables them to improve themselves. You know, they can, they can take the written document away and um, you know, they can, they can and work on it than themselves. And then, you know, refer back to Brittani anytime. So yeah, it's, I'm, I'm the only person in Northern Ireland doing it.


That's amazing. Wow. Yeah. Hmm. So interesting. You know, I've always thought, you know, I find when I, there's something so sacred about the name because usually when I do my intuitive readings with my clients, I tune in clairaudient Lee and I have them say their name and I tune into the vibration of their name. And that's just something that I've kind of, it just kind of happened with my readings. But yeah, there's something so unique and sacred about the names. So I love that that's kind of, I guess, begins the template for the rest of the soul plan reading with.


Yeah, definitely. I mean, that's amazing that you do that because the whole point is that our name is a vibration. I mean, it's a sound. Each letter is a sound. So everything's a vibration and a sound. And how we understand that, you know, in the earthly plane is by putting it into words. So, I mean, it was, it was blue Mazda and who's a hay house author who wrote the book soul plan, then who teaches the course. And um, he, uh, he kind of further developed it from a man called Frank alpha who channels, um, this kind of, um, come out TRIA so in neurology of Moses. So, uh, that's where it originated from. And then blue Mazda and kind of expanded on it and kind of, you know, modernized, formulated it and to solve them. But it's just, you know, I've just found it so accurate for everybody that's come to me, but I found this all time for, you know, you know, they're just agreeing with everything that they have themselves. And I, I believe, um, that, you know, it, I don't think our parents pick our names. I think we select them when we're still souls and communicate that to our parents because it's, you know, I've just see from, you know, my own family names and things like that, that it just all makes sense. You know, things in their life, you know, if you go back to what their is. And even with my own children, I've just sort of had this, a revelation about things with their names. You know, it's just really amazing.


Now you have also combined your healing work with your talent for writing. And I know you just submitted your book or proposal. Can you share a little bit about that and what this a, is it a memoir? What this is?


Yes, Alex, that is, it's a, it's a healing memoir. So, um, it's based on, well, my life so far, kind of growing up, my older brother was born with a very rare genetic syndrome. It's called[inaudible] syndrome. Um, and he's, he's one of the oldest among survivors of it today. I, yeah, the, the, the worker associations in America actually. And the one of the staff there said that recently, one mom, Oh, I think it's a man. Um, had just turned 50 and my brother is 47. So, um, you know, they don't know if anybody with the condition who's older, not. So, um, yeah, it's, it was really kind of looking at, um, kind of overcoming disability because with his condition, he was born with a rare form of kidney cancer until he's also partially sighted. And there's a whole host of other, um, kind of parts to the condition that a person may or may not have. So it was kind of looking at the struggles that he's had, but also like the whole family. Um, because obviously he's had a very difficult and traumatic life bets, you know, so with my parents, because they didn't really have, you know, really know how to deal with it because Steven, the doctors, you know, didn't really know much. And then I, you know, I came along and I was kind of, you know, born into this, it was like a dysfunctional family, but my parents were really stressed and they were trying to look after my brother. So I was kind of, you know, not on purpose, but it was, it was kind of like an emotional neglect, you know, but not, not in the way of like a nasty thing. It was just, you know, time, the time and attention that my parents needed to give to my brother. So it's kind of looking at it from a different perspective of, of like all the siblings and how these things can still, you know, affect that the whole family. But it's, it's looking at this, you know, I, I've, I've, well the title of the book is strong one and my brother is called Martin and his name means strong one and then, Oh wow. Yeah, I know.


That's amazing. Yeah.


I thought I said their sole plan again. Yeah. And then, but as obvious kind of writing it, I thought, well, hang on a minute. You know, I was focusing on my brother and then I kind of thought, well, I should maybe do it from more from my perspective. And, um, and then I thought, well, we're all strong ones because my parents have to be exceptionally strong. I've had to be strong to deal with it and, and all my brothers have to be exceptionally strong. So I thought, well, we're all strong ones. And, um, it, it just of, you know, mean, you know, my mom is really been through sort of how, you know hell and back, but she's such a trooper and she's so positive and survived so much. So I wanted to show that, you know, no matter how bad things get for people, they have this inner strength to deal with it and to get through it. And, and looking back, you know, yes, we've all been through this trauma but we are all so strong and we're, you know, healthy and we're happy and you know, we, we've all kind of got to this place I think of, you know, acceptance and forgiveness and it's, you know, it's taught us so much about compassion and you know, in awe strengths and yeah. So, you know, there's, there's a lot of things in it. I mean, my brother's had two kidney transplants, which is quite unusual. The first one was donated by my father. Wow. That lasted, I think it was over 20 years, cause you know, donated organs generally have a lifespan. And then my mom, um, wanted to give her a kidney, but because of something that would clash in my parents' kind of DNA or blood, she had to give her kidney to a stranger. I'm a stranger gave to my brother in a double operation. So, um, yeah. But you know, I think what's really courageous and brave as well. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah. And then the, the book kind of, um, it kind of moves on then to, um, you know, it encompasses kind of more spiritual awakening, but I've just, I can look back and see now that I can see the reason behind all the things that I've been through in my life and that we've all been through and it all makes sense. And this is what I want. The message I want to get across to people with my book is that there is a reason for all of those things you're going through and it has the higher purpose and you will come out of that, out of it on the other side, a much stronger person.


That's an important message of hope for people. And, uh, I think that's great that you're sharing that. I can't wait for, to hear how this book evolves and you have to keep those said


yes, I will do. Yeah, definitely.


So, Esther, do you have a daily spiritual practice?


Um, I wouldn't say I have a date. Yeah.


Well I wish I did. I've got two children working and Zahav you know how it is, that's a practice in itself, right? Um, so I, you know, I'm not always doing all the kind of like chill out and meditation things I like to do, but, um,


I just, I think, uh, connecting with nature, I like to connect with nature everyday. I mean I'm blessed to live in the countryside. I grew up in London and you know, really busy city and then I like, I moved in all the islands out in the countryside and you know, it's absolutely stunningly beautiful where I live and I can open my window and look out and say, you know, the company side, ambulance of water. So that's just bliss for me. I think even just looking out the window, like actually I probably do have a daily practice now because I opened the blind in my bedroom and I look out on the view you and it just, it's different every morning and depending on if it's sunny or rainy or Misty. And I just, yeah, it just makes me feel really connected to the earth and it makes me feel really lucky. So I, you know, and it doesn't take any time. It's like, you know, one or two minutes and then you have to get ready for the day. So that's probably what my spiritual practice is at the moment. I do like to meditate. Um, a few years go. I, I, yeah, I probably four years ago I wasn't meditating and I was a bit hesitant about meditating. I was told by, um, you know, quite fee like it, some readers that I needed to meditate to go and get the answers from within and sort of scare me a bit. And I was like, Oh, you know, it's kind of like being scared of your own power and what you're going to find within. Um, so I was a bit reluctant, but now, you know, I think meditating, I tried to tell people it's like working a muscle that, you know, the more we do it, the easier it becomes. And now like I don't even sort of try to meditate. I find like if I go to a politesse class or yoga class or something and you know, you do the relaxation at the end and um, you know, I'm away.


Yes. I haven't even tried it


it and they've got the trailers on them going out the door and I'm like, Oh yeah. So it's just, you know, if you kind of see what it's about, the patients in both, then you know, you can point this, I own into that without trying. So you met the tape pan on. I loved doing that. And um, but yeah, I guess I love getting out for a walk on the bike cause I'm out in nature. It's kind of like, you know, getting rid of any stress as well. So I think, yeah, my daily practice, spiritual practice is probably just connecting with nature at the moment.


That's amazing. And I can only imagine how beautiful the nature isn't where you are in Northern Ireland. Must be so magical. So let everyone know where they can find you and connect with you at.


Oh yeah. Well I'm, I'm in Lisbon law and County for manner in Northern Ireland and I have a website which is www dot[inaudible] dot UK. I'm also on Instagram at regeneration underscore room and I have a Facebook page, which is regeneration room holistic therapies.


Wonderful. And as sir, before we finish up, do you have any final words?


Um, I would say two PayPal, um, to follow your heart, um, to yeah, to try and connect into your heart space. Um, you know, the heart shocker, I can get really cloaked over the time, you know, due to trauma and different things and um, yeah, I would yeah. Recommend doing heart chakra opening meditations. You can probably get, you know, free ones, you know, online and um, yeah, my, my, you know, basis for everything is that I think, you know, everything boils down to kind of doing things from making every decision from a place of love. Because if you do it from a place of love, it's always going to be the right decision, you know, for yours and that you know, your highest good and the highest good of the people concern. And um, yeah, I can think. Um, no from Corinthians it says, you know, faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love. And I just truly believe that love is the kind of, it's the one thing that transcends all of time and space. And if everybody kind of went back to a place of love, um, you know, we'd be living in harmony.


Yeah, me too. It's, it's desert. It's so true. Make every, make every decision from a place of love. I'm going to make that my mantra, Esther. That's wonderful. That's great. So you were spreading level already. Yes, yes. We're doing it. So thank you so much for, for this conversation and it's been wonderful getting to know you and thank you so much Hester.


Oh, thank you for having me, Alex. It's been lovely. Thanks

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